27 June 2016


  • Software Design helps developers to develop and implement the user requirements in the form of software.
  • There are different types of software design
    • Architechtural Design:
      • Shows relationship between major modules.
      • Finalizes on the design pattern to be used.
    • Design Design: Focuses on the data structure representation
    • Interface Design: Shows the flow of the information
    • Component Design: provides a higher level of abstraction and divides the problem into sub-problems, each associated with component partitions

Software Designing strategy

  • Good software design will have the following features
    • Abstraction
    • Highly cohesive modules
    • Loosely coupled modules
    • Partitionaed
    • Maintability and
    • possibility of the forward engineering
  • Coupling and Cohesion
    • Coupling: is the degree of interdependencies between modules
    • Cohesion: cohesion measures the strength of relationship between pieces of functionality within a given module
    • A good design will be loosely coupled and tight cohesion
    • A focused class which performs its own responsibility is considered highly cohesive class. In contrast, suppose you are using 2 independent classes. Change in one class requires change in another class. This is considered that both the classes are tightly coupled.
  • Abstraction
    • Suppose there are two projects managed by one project manager. The team under him has two leads and developers under leads. Each lead manages one project each. If we build a system then there will be following level of abstractions\
      • Project manager can see information of 2 projects. He can also see employee information as well.
      • Leads can see th project where he is assigned.

Partitioning in Software design

  • A program structure can be divided into both horizontally and vertically
  • A system can be broken down into subsystems.
    • There could be some processes common among the sub systems. In horizontal partitioning these common processes connect all sub-systems. With horizontal partitioning thought is given to the whole at design time.
    • In case of vertical partitioning there is no connection between the individual sub systems. Below image shows vertical and horizontal partitioning

Forward Engineering vs Reverse Engineering

  • Forward engineering refers to taking a high-level model and using it to build a more complex lower-level implementation. Example Write java classes from UML class diagram.
  • Reverse engineering takes a complex implementation and try and convert it into a higher level abstraction. Example Create UML diagram from implementated java classes.

State transition diagram

  • State transition diagram describes the behavior of a single object in response to a series of events in a system
  • The difference between flowchart and state transition diagram is - Flow chart shows the processes that changes the state of an object but does not show what state change has happened in the object
  • States are used to represent the behavior models of a single object
  • State of a object changes when any action or pre conditions get applied on it

Below is an example of the state diagram

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